[GAME] EmptyEpsilon



  • @Feralmouse, sorry you had problems registering on the site. Spammers left me with little choice. I will create a contact page for those who have problems/questions on registering for the site.

    You will need the Engine and the Game along with SFML 2.3. I've considered creating a Debian package for the Builds that my server creates, but for now you will have to do it by hand. Daid has mentioned only Windows & Android is officially supported, but it works fine under Linux.
  • Hopefully you can get some information on how to build EE from this script:
    It's for Debian but should work on Ubuntu. It also compiles for Windows. Depending if you use 32bit or 64 bit, it will build for the system you are running on.

    What distribution are you using?
  • Thanks! We could use an edit function too while you're feeling generous! :).

    I'm using Ubuntu 15.04 currently it's being awkward around xcb-image, it's there...it's just called something slightly different...
  • 64-bit ...and the one script for Ubuntu 64 has...problems...
    ~/Games$ ./Vagrantfile
    ./Vagrantfile: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `2'
    ./Vagrantfile: line 10: `Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|'
  • My compile steps on an older debian version (debian net install, without any graphical stuff installed by default)
    # su -c 'apt-get install sudo;adduser space sudo' -
    sudo apt-get install git build-essential libx11-dev cmake libxrandr-dev mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libudev-dev libglew-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile1-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-image0-dev
    sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-all xinit alsa-base alsa-utils
    git clone https://github.com/daid/EmptyEpsilon.git
    git clone https://github.com/daid/SeriousProton.git
    wget http://www.sfml-dev.org/files/SFML-2.3.2-sources.zip
    unzip SFML-2.3.2-sources.zip
    cd SFML-2.3.2
    cmake .
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig
    cd ..
    cd EmptyEpsilon
    mkdir _build
    cd _build
    cmake ..
    If you do have a full system install already, the 2nd apt-get is most likely overkill.
  • Also, there is a simpler solution : Last time I tested, EE worked great with wine out of the box with 64 bit ubuntu.
  • Yeah I noted that myself lastnight Fouindor, I was hoping for a straight out of the compile linux executable but never mind!

    I seem to be having no problems with EmptyEpsilon (I won't be using EE because it confuses the hell out of me and makes me think you're associated with the EE telecoms company) running through wine and that...is unusual. Normally it takes some time for wine to recognize new programs, particularly indy ones.

    The game itself is great though :).
  • I think as a player, the windows versions stored on the website are more suitable than compiling from latest source for several reasons :
    - Potential bugs are weeded out, usually allowing a more stable game experience.
    - If you do cross-OS games, it will ensure compatibility as everyone will have the same version number.

    But maybe later have the linux version available would be good :)
  • Indeed.

    Now. Did anyone get a WAN bridge set up... if so... are there any instructions?

    I've tried port-forwarding, but to no avail. I open port: 80, to test, and the test says that the port is available. However 32666 even though forwarded in the same manner is not available.

    I am using wine... not sure if that might be skewing things o.O

    I'm skipping my vpn for the moment just to get it up.
  • https://daid.github.io/EmptyEpsilon/#tabs=2

    Is wrong pls2update

    The port used is not 32666 but 35666, once I changed that (found in another thread) I was able to connect. Will now attempt a true WAN connection.
  • And now it's suddenly not working again >_>; It won't open the port.
  • Got it. Seems Wine is finiky about *which* profile you launch the server under.
  • I've seen it take a couple of minutes to close the port when running on Linux. That includes Wine. I think there was a discussion somewhere on this. It's a Linux/SFML issue, not an EE issue.
  • Just seems to be a wine thing as far as I can see. As long as it opens in the primary window, it's fine.

    Is there any way of getting the "main screen" to run as a console? So that it's viewable for all players?

    Assuming WAN and not LAN set up here.
  • Regarding the port thing, sometimes it gets "held" meaning nothing else can connect to it. lsof | grep 35666, then killing off the associated applications frees it back up again.
  • Anyway to rename ships without having to set up an entire scripted mission?
  • Callsigns can only be set trough mission scripts. But the ship "class name" can be changed in the GM screen with the retrofit option.

    I've fixed the webpage port number.

    If you haven't found that post yet, you can create a "world" in the GM screen and then copy it to the clipboard as a script with the F5 button. (Yes, I need to document this)
  • Speaking of "World"s... Planets? Anyone? Also, asteroids cannot be created from GM screen o.o
  • Planets? I'm kinda afraid that they will look very fake very fast. There is also a scale issue. For example, our moon is 60 times larger then the view distance of the science radar.

    And, what would you expect from planets? What would they do gameplay wise?
  • I would expect...to be able to "survey them" like I ...expected to be able to survey nebula and so on. Nothing major. I mean, you *might* want to give them basic stats like population, which can be decreased by firing on the planet.

    As for that scale. I have been meaning to ask about that. I don't see why the distances are measured in km when they can be measured in gigameters instead (no change in numbers back end, just labels). That would give the perception of a longer range without it being so. It would also mean you can make planets smaller and moons.

    But again I assume there was a design decision.
  • Survey doesn't have to be complicated, just a "get in range" (possibly orbit...) then use Science to press "scan" that will yield information about the planet.

    More "science" based missions could then be scripted.

    We can deal with "away-teams" much much later :).
  • Personally, I don't think that planets would bring much to the game. There is already the Artifact object type that can be currently scanned and applied a custom model.

    Not to mention that it would be cumbersome to implement for little return.
  • A first prototype had planets, and true newton physics. Problem was that you ended up with KerbalSpaceProgram level of difficulty.
    This prototype was pretty much a completely different type of game. Much less similarity with Artemis. And much more complex systems.
  • Newtonian physics? No I just mean put in a sphere with a colourful texture, maybe a glow to simulate atmosphere, put a "path ring" around the planet and when the ship click's orbit (in helm), let the ship follow it until the ship clicks de-orbit. (Much like how the docking sequence works).

    What they bring to game is, content, story and realism...realism in the sense that while space is a big place, most people tend to head for planets to stay on/colonize. Rather than space stations.

    Further, if you could colonize space stations / planets, you could enjoy a different type of game whereby you have to fight with an opponent who is intent on acquiring all your bases and in order to win you have to acquire all of theirs. Simply done by getting in range with a large ship (or calling for one?), then pressing "transport", wait three minutes.
  • I feel like the way to go for planets would be to have them pretty large, maybe not quite 'true' scale (just enough to fill like 3x3 sectors on the Relay map would feel really big, even though it's nowhere near accurate), but then to have them sit *below* the playing field, rather than be objects you interact with.

    You would still dock with a space station above the planet, which would give the impression of that station being in "orbit". I think Earth & Beyond did this? You never interacted directly with planets, they were just part of the background.

    It would be neat to make missions that involve visiting or protecting planets.
  • I would like to try the game with the newtonian physics, if you have a build for it still?

    I played quite a bit of the old space simulator microsoft made way back and it was fun.
  • To be fair a few things could be scaled up but I don't know what it would do to resources.

    Speaking of which...interaction. If I collide with a space station at 100% impulse. I expect to BOOM!!! not...bump! Ramming is a valid space strategy ;).
  • oh and yeah, re the newtonian build. Me too ;).
  • IIRC, collisions are implemented but most object templates are default size class.
  • I have a screenshot. But that's how far I will go:

    It's from before it had multiplayer code. Or different stations (all info on a single screen). It's pretty much a prototype to see if this type of game could be feasible and fun.

    Problems with it:
    a) High complexity makes it hard for people to pick up, and hard to program.
    b) Newtonian physics make flying really much more complex. Especially with the orbital physics.
    c) Time scale, when you enter orbits and have different sized planets, time really becomes your enemy from a gameplay perspective. Speeds/time steps that work when you are near planets no longer work when you go around the sun. Even with the "impossible" large planets near a sun that I tried here.

    All of these made it unfit for a multiplayer spaceship simulator. Which is what I wanted to make.

    Which is why I dumped the prototype in my big bin of unfinished prototypes (I have a lot of these), and started with something which pretty much cloned Artemis.

    If you want to fly true newtonian. Buy KSP: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/
    It's one of my favorite games.
    Or if you want to go all realistic, play Orbiter: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/
    (Never really played it. Bit beyond me)
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