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  • I'm not sure I like the design in the background idea. I think I'd be happy with just changing the color of the interface from white to yellow or red. More than that just seems distracting. Maybe there can be color bars on the to and bottom of th…
  • Does every station have it's own key binding, or is one set of bindings used for every station?
    in Hotkeys Comment by Squeegeeie April 2016
  • It could be a *present arms* kind of thing, like for a show of force. If my ship shows up forward facing, you probably don't need to worry, but if we show up with our guns pointing at you, then there's an issue. I think about the Bentusi from th…
  • Could beam weapons have their own buttons in the interface? They don't need payload management, so shouldn't take as much space as the tube weapons. There might also need a single target all button.
  • Hi, I recently found empty epsilon after my brother mentioning paying Artemis just recently, I'm finding this one a bit more interesting. If I can find enough people, I'd love to play. But on the current topic, wouldn't using more tubes in quick s…