Possible addition for utils.lua

I developed this function to create asteroid fields and mystery clouds... It might be useful for other in the utils.lua script. Note it does limit the max number of objects per call to 1000 as I've found that if you let it go nuts it will crash the server.
function createObjectsOnArc(x,y,radius,arc_deg,offset,spacing,object_type,rings,chance,randomize) if rings == nil then rings = 1 end if chance == nil then chance = 100 end if randomize == nil then randomize = 0 end local circ_dist = 2*math.pi*radius local arc_dist=(circ_dist/360)*arc_deg local deg= arc_deg/(arc_dist/spacing) local randeg=arc_deg/(arc_dist/randomize) local total_count = (math.floor((arc_deg/deg),0.5)+1) if total_count>1000 then spacing = arc_dist/1000 deg= arc_deg/(arc_dist/spacing) total_count = arc_dist/spacing end for cnt=0,total_count,1 do for cnt_ring=0,rings-1,1 do local cnt_deg = offset+cnt*deg+(random(-randeg,randeg)) local cnt_dist = radius + (random((-cnt_ring*randomize),(cnt_ring*randomize))) if random(0, 100) < chance then local dx,dy = vectorFromAngle(cnt_deg,cnt_dist) object_type():setPosition(x + dx, y + dy) end end end end
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