
Im looking to make GM functions to edit the bars on the outside.
The Top function works fine and zeros the item, the bottom one is to set the item to new values. The issue I am testing at the moment is it doesnt seem to set anything bar the blue and green bar even though I have increased all.

I have tried obj:setRadarSignatureInfo(1,0,0) and that still sets blue and green as well.

Everything I try seems to effect 2 lines not just the one. Ive tried minus values, plus etc as well.

Any thoughts?


addGMFunction("Zero Sensors", function()
local gm_selection = getGMSelection()
for _, obj in ipairs(gm_selection) do
obj:setRadarSignatureInfo(0, 0, 0)

addGMFunction("+Grav", function()
local gm_selection = getGMSelection()

for _, obj in ipairs(gm_selection) do
temp = obj:getRadarSignatureGravity()
temp1 = obj:getRadarSignatureElectrical()
temp2 = obj:getRadarSignatureBiological()
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